Our Activities
Worship With Us

15 Dec 6pm: Carols on the Green
22 Dec 6pm: Carols by Candle light
Christmas Eve 6pm: Carols & Communion
Christmas Day 10am: Family Service

About Us
Tunbridge Wells Presbyterian Church is a reformed and evangelical Christian Church which exists to enable people to know God for themselves. We rejoice that in Jesus, God has come to be with his people. Today anybody can know God through reading and responding to what we learn about Jesus in the Bible and living in step with the Holy Spirit.
At Tunbridge Wells Presbyterian Church we seek to help people engage with the Bible through worship and ministry that includes the best of ancient and contemporary wisdom. We combine modern music with words used by the Church for centuries. Our approach to ministry is designed to be understandable to anybody, relevant to modern life – and rooted deeply in Scripture and the rich heritage of the Christian Church.
Our Church was founded in 2019 by our minister and others who left the Church of England. When first planted we were called 'Emmanuel Church.' This expressed continuity with the original church of that name in our town which had grown out of the ministry of George Whitefield and been demolished in 1974.
After a few years of being an Anglican Church outside the state church, the members voted in early 2024 to become a Presbyterian Church. Due to these origins there are aspects of church services that are recognisably Anglican, however the worship, teaching and governance unashamedly upholds the Westminster Standards.
1 Peter 2 v 4-5
'As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.'