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Regular Activities


Sunday Services

10.30am and 6pm

We meet at 10.30am and 6pm each Sunday for worship and we love to welcome visitors.  Children are welcome at both services.   At our services we sing a mixture of hymns, newer songs and psalms, listen to the preaching of God's word, bring to God our prayers and share fellowship afterwards.


Everyone is welcome at our church services, whether they are new to Christianity, just exploring or are veterans of the faith!


Fellowship Lunch

First Sunday of the Month

On the first Sunday of every month, after the 10.30am service, we stay for lunch together at church. 


Our lunches are times of lovely friendship and fellowship together - always with an amazing array of delicious food. 


Lunch is served in the cafe area or the main hall and these times are a terrific opportunity for new comers to get to know others in the church. 





Sunday Club & Creche

Sundays 10.30am

Our morning services include a Sunday School run by a team of teachers and leaders, headed up by Pam and Susanna. We teach the children using a curriculum which takes them systematically through the Bible during their time in Sunday Club.  As such, children will get most out of Sunday Club if they come every week.  All our teachers are DBS checked and trained in safeguarding. 


At least once a month (more during school holiday periods) there is no Sunday Club and families worship together as part of the main service.


For children under 3 we provide a play area with a video link, if parents need this space during the service.


Youth Club

Second & Fourth Mondays - 7pm

For all young people in Year 6 and through to Secondary School ages, we have an exciting youth group, which meets every other week in Tunbridge Wells.   We have use of a large hall which is given over to our young people twice a month, where they can hang out, play, make friends and grow in their Christian faith. In warmer weeks we meet outside.


We always take time in our sessions to study the Bible with the Young People and encourage them in their faith.  We pray this group will help them to live their Christian lives with integrity, courage and enthusiasm.


Our activities usually involve a range of fun games (giant battleships, murder mystery and board game nights are all favourites), baking, crafts and always involve hot chocolate and sweets somewhere along the way.


All our youth leaders are DBS checked and trained in safeguarding. 

Praying Hands

Whole Church Prayer Meeting

Wednesdays at 8.00 pm

Corporate prayer is an essential part of any church. 


We meet weekly to offer to God our worship and praise God; to thank Him for his many blessings and to bring before him our concerns and worries.  We pray to God for our church, our town and needs further afield. 

Bible discussion group

Other Groups

There are other groups that happen throughout the year, including Men's Theology Breakfasts on a Sat at church members' homes; women's days away, and regular courses and membership classes. These provide further ways to get to know one another an to grow in the Faith.

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Tunbridge Wells Presbyterian Church


Number One Community Centre, 1 Rowan Tree Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 5PX


Registered Charity Number 1179073

We are members of the Evangelical Alliance. 

©2024 by Tunbridge Wells Presbyterian Church. 

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