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"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."    Proverbs 22:6

Sunday Club

Children and Young People of all ages are a big part of our church family and it is our joy to help parents in their job of raising their children in the Lord.

Our morning services include age appropriate Sunday School classes run by a team of teachers and leaders, headed up by Pam and Susanna.  All our teachers are experienced in teaching Sunday School and have worked together over a number of years.  

Sunday School meets in the Number One Community Centre buildings - the youth room recently having been decorated by church. This is a fantastic space which we are able to subdivide into class areas, so that each age group has its own space and their own dedicated teacher. 


We teach the children using a curriculum which takes them systematically through the Bible during their time in Sunday Club.  As such, children will get most out of Sunday Club if they come every week.  To encourage commitment, we have a traditional Sunday School prize giving at the end of every school year.

Each week children will have a ‘take home’ element from their class to aid families to talk at home about what the children have been learning.   


At least once a month (more over school holiday periods) there is no Sunday Club and families worship together as part of the main service.

For children under the age of 3 we have an area off the main hall which operates as a crèche.  This crèche area has a video link to the main service, so that children can play happily and parents can follow the service.

Safe guarding is a matter we take very seriously.  All our children and youth workers are properly recruited and have been DBS checked.

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